Thursday, March 13, 2008

Art of Vacuum

I'm going on a cleaning streak again... could think of it as being good... or being bad... On the one hand, it helps gets the apartment a bit clean... On the other, I'm SPENDING MONEY AGAIN!!!

Just got a vaccum over the weekend, one of them bagless vaccum. There are a few out there, but the one that stands above 'em all... rounds of applause* DYSON! Knowing me, everything needs to be top notch, and I finally plunged for the vaccum I've been eyeing since i saw it in a commercial a few years back. Got it with a huge discount, dropping it down to a affordable... well, reasonable price... alright alright, still a steep price. But once you start vaccuming, you get this great feeling, like you are accomplishing something filling up the bin with the filth from the carpet. Well, and also you can always tell yourself, "I'm saving money by not having to buy replacement bags for life"...

Anyways, here are some pics of my "new toy"


At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea now you can exercise + enjoy your new toy...

I'm loving it..

At 6:52 AM, Blogger didarx79 said...

lol, this reminds me of an "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode (ya, bored to death and saw the reruns while i was on home leave). now, you should start vacumming everyeone's home just to prove how dirty you are compared to them!


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